I think I’d like myself but perhaps think me a bit too inquisitive…
I don’t think I always come across well in repose my look is quite stern and my face gives away my emotions too easily
I’m a bit of “keep myself to myself” person,I don’t go out of the way to argue, but can do when I’m pushed, all in all I’d say I’m quite an amiable chap.
I like to think people find that I have a nice nature and kind and friendly. I think its important to like yourself because if you don’t like yourself how do you expect others to like you.
I notice the friends I have are of similar personality to myself.
I listen and if I hear someone backstabbing a friend I stay away, I think if you are doing that to her you are more than likely doing the same about me when I’m not present. I don’t like those sort of people. I don’t want to be friends with confrontational people or people who are mean.
Primus, what you talking about lad, you do have friends in here, don’t put yourself down.
I would definitely like myself. We need to love ourselves before we can spread that love to others.
I like to think I come across well, without trying too hard. I do get on with people from all walks of life, that’s what living in London is all about.
Thinking about it, I’m a bit of an inverted snob: public school liking the spit & sawdust, salt of the earth. I’m sure some can see that but welcome it.
I think I would like to be friends with me, but in small doses. I like to be happy, friendly and have a genuine interest in people.
I would find my flakiness a bit annoying though…I get distracted easily, and I also fail terribly at hiding my emotions…I show as I feel.
I don’t think we ever really see ourselves as others see us - and when you cannot see facial expressions or body language it is difficult to assess how you come across on a forum. I try to be friendly and treat others as I would like to be treated - not sure it always works - but I do my best!
Hey Tabs, I thought this thread was about real life!
My answer above doesn’t refer to the d00d username, but me facing the unknown.
I know.Some like me ,some don’t.
I tend to do that too, meet and greet. Yesterday I when we were strolling home we met a fellow with wheel chair. One leg was missing. So I chatted to him about what happened. He could have said that it was none of his business But he explained what had happened and we had quite a long chat. Maybe that’s how I come across others.
I think my husband would prefer to ask him what happened to his arm rather than someone staring and saying nothing.
Saying that though John doesn’t mind if anyone stares anymore, it’s been a long time since he lost his arm and he’s used to it now.
I try not to be too likeable just in case it encourages somebody I can’t stand to try and befriend me. I think that most of the time I succeed in not being too likeable.
I like you
You’re succeeding
Nobody likes me.
Ah Harbal!
I like you too!
I like everybody!
How many bottles?
I don’t know how you can bear it, Minx. I would hate to like everybody.
Just the one glass of leftover white wine!
I don’t drink alcohol on a weekday but today was a day from hell! A real Blue Monday! So, still stone cold sober!