Do you ever win raffles?

Over my life time I have bought hundreds of raffle tickets.
Cars, Holidays, Houses etc.
Never have I won any prize. Over 45 years :frowning_face:

Lotteries and raffles are a tax on people who are bad at maths.

However I did win a blender as third price in the War Veterans lottery in the mid 70s.

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I have won raffles,bingo many years ago and the lottery,albeit it was not a lot.

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Won hundreds of pounds over many years. But that’s because I never waste money on buying tickets. AKA Gambling.

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I’ve won a few raffles, but just minor prizes. The most recent one was a portable speaker.


Hello mooweiris, a warm welcome to Over50sChat… :grinning:


Yes, several prizes in rapid succession at a primary school Christmas fair some years back. If looks could kill, so much for the festive spirit! :snowflake::snowman::hocho::skull_and_crossbones:


Wotcha mooweiris!
Welcome to the fun factory :+1:


Welcome to the forum mooweiris.
I hope you enjoy your time here.
Thank you for posting. :slightly_smiling_face:

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When I go with family to eat at the club we usually each put in $5 for Keno, we know we are going to lose it but it is just a bit of fun and lasts all evening, it is far less boring than playing the pokies.

One birthday I bought $20 worth of meat raffle tickets going halves with my son because you get $50 worth free (birthday gift) - that time we won six meat trays, never bought tickets before or since.


When I was a child I won a jar of lemon curd at the church raffle. I was very excited because I had never tasted lemon curd. I have never bought a jar of lemon curd since.


Do scratcher lottery tickets count? i’ve won some of those.

I don’t think I’ve bought any raffle tickets that I can remember so I didn’t win any of those.

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Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières

Hans plays with Lotte
Lotte plays with Jane
Jane plays with Willi
Willi is happy again
Suki plays with Leo
Sacha plays with Britt
Adolf builds a bonfire
Enrico plays with it

Whistling tunes we hide in the dunes by the seaside
Whistling tunes we’re kissing baboons in the jungle
It’s a knockout

If looks could kill they probably will
In games without frontiers
War without tears
If looks could kill they probably will
In games without frontiers
War without tears
Games without frontiers
War without tears

Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières

Andre has a red flag
Chiang Ching’s is blue
They all have hills to fly them on
Except for Lin Tai Yu
Dressing up in costumes
Playing silly games
Hiding out in tree tops
Shouting out rude names

Whistling tunes we hide in the dunes by the seaside
Whistling tunes we piss on the goons in the jungle
It’s a knockout

f looks could kill they probably will
In games without frontiers
War without tears
If looks could kill they probably will
In games without frontiers
War without tears
Games without frontiers
War without tears

Jeux sans frontières, Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières, Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières, Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières, Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières, Jeux sans frontières

Games Without Frontiers

Peter Gabriel

Peter Gabriel 3: Melt

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Thought I was going bonkers till I saw this :laughing: A fair while ago there was a thread about “Meat” raffles :smile:


Several years ago I won a DVD player in a raffle, that’s all I’ve ever won though.
They used to have meat raffles at our village sports and social club, I don’t think they do anymore, or at least I haven’t seen them advertised.

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I don’t think I’ve ever won anything, outside of small wins on the lottery. I guess I must be jinxed.

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I always win raffles

Not the big money ones, or where you win a car or house or something

But the little raffles they have in the office or at social clubs etc, I almost always get a prize, it’s almost embarassing!

If I win two prizes, I always tell them to put it back and pull out someone else’s ticket


I never win Raffles. What would I do with a hotel in Singapore anyway?

Would you prefer Applecross, Perth.
Raffles on the river here.
Rather more modest than Singapore’s Raffles. :slightly_smiling_face:

I tend not to win raffles, could be something to do with not entering any!