Do you ever have moments of Synchronicity?

Seems to happen regularly with me.
Last night, watching the series, Sharp Objects,
Guy says, “My sister got mad at a girl for stealing her pencil. So she took it back…”
Then I said to myself, “and stuck it in her eye”
He said, “and stuck it in her eye”

I was thinking of stealing one of your pencils but I won’t now.


I mention my jerrycan in one post, the next morning I find another on the street. Does that count?


In another thread today I mentioned Folkestone. I just turned on Netflix to look for another serial to watch and picked on “Who is Erin Carter”. Bugger me if the opening scene isn’t Folkestone Harbour and the Stade followed by the beach I am talking about in the background as the fishing boat leaves for foreign parts.

BTW the fishing boat is not from Folkestone because their registration letters start with FE

The beach in question is in front of those arches to the right of the characters

I do for sure,on a regular basis Bretrick.
It always takes me by surprise.

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I have them so often.
Watching Murdoch Mysteries, someone asked where the toddler was, my immediate instinct was, he is in the next room in his jumping bouncer.
That is exactly what the reply was, in the next room in the jumping (whatever he called it).

Never seen it in any other episode, or that one.
So many times.
Crossword puzzle clue, lead actor in 3.10 to Yuma, Glenn Ford.
That night I got New Zealand movie from the library. In it the family go to the movies. The movie? 3.10 to Yuma.
On and on, these happy coincidences have occurred throughout my life.
Fascinating stuff

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Nah, I just think as we get older, we’ve seen it all before and they are sooooo predictable :rofl:

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Yes, its definitely easier to predict the answers to Eight out of ten cats does Countdown when watching the repeats!

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