Do You Ever Give Your Hair A Hot Oil Treatment?

To avoid dry hair, l occasionally give my hair a hot oil treatment.

I warm a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil or virgin olive oil in a cup standing in a saucepan with boiling water.
I shampoo my hair first and apply the warm oil to my hair and and massage it into my scalp and through my hair to the ends.
I put a plastic cap on my head and either blow a warm hairdryer on it or leave it on my hair for hours! You can also cover your hair with a warm towel.

I shampoo it off and my hair feels so much better.

Have you ever tried this?

What Im needing is a mask for my hair for every day use

I do use an oil treatment now and then when Im doing a pampering afternoon

But what Im looking for is something I can put in my hair that is a barrier to atmospheric influences

Ive allowed myself to go grey and grey hair is very porous and collects impurities form the air. So my hair is frizzy and taking on a yellow hue so any advice on that Id be most appreciative

Missy, I can only think of, a cap to protect your hair whilst in the kitchen.

I use almond or macadamia nut oil about once per month.

My hair’s like wire wool now … or the other kind of frizzy hair that nobody wants on their head. :frowning:

I’ve used the oil treatment stuff but it made my feel lank and slick.
Completely wrong I know … but I’ve tried it the other way around.
Oiled my hair an hour or so before washing … and then it seems to protect it some from the shampoo stripping out too much of my natural oil. Wrong way around I know.
I’ve always had dry hair.

Im thinking myself thats the way Im going to have to go, only thats going to make my head melt :frowning:

Luckily I can just about make a tiny pony tail so Im thinking of loads of leave in conditioner and tie it up

I shower the minute I walk in, just my hair is turning yellow lol

I could swear someone mentioned a shampoo on here once that helped keep grey or silver hair … less tarnished or discoloured and a truer silver?

I can’t remember when or what it was called though.

I have a silver shampoo but thats really just a shampoo with lost of blue dye in it to brighten the silver/grey

I need something that stops my hair sucking in atmospheric pollutants , turning my hair blondy yellow and feeling like straw

I wash and condition my hair every day it’s just part of my morning routine. I’m on a treadmill though because if I miss a single day it looks like straw.

I’m overdue for a hairdressing appointment right now too so it needs cutting which I have done usually about every eight weeks and darker lowlights that keeps me from looking totally grey.

I might give your hot oil suggestion a try Art.

Before my chemo I was happy with my hair, I washed and conditioned it every two or three days and didn’t have a problem. My hair thinned considerably with the chemo and I had to let it go grey. At this stage I had it cut short and it is very fluffy and dry. I’m not supposed to use any chemicals on my hair so I think the oil treatment may be worth a try Art, I don’t think I’ve got much to lose!

Only the once, never again. It made my hair horrible and slimey looking, it hung in rats tails and took a couple of weeks of washing every day to get it back to normal…:frowning:

I’ve never tried it. But with all this swimming I do think a deeper conditioning would be good for it

No and have no wish to do so.

I have, and very good it is too.

I once put oil in my hair when I was about 14. It was suggested in Jackie magazine as a way to make your hair really shiny. I think it took fifty washes for my hair to stop feeling like an oil slick!

TBH Jackie magazine should have been sued for some of the awful advice they gave.

We have similar hair. I also oil my hair first before shampooing to protect it but I usually condition the length of my hair first and scalp wash only otherwise my hair dries right out.
I use a bit of coconut oil in my hair everyday which helps it keep its curl, adds shine and eliminates the frizz.

Yes, yonks ago when I used to have long hair and then my parting started to widen somewhat :smiley:

Even though my hair was shiny and basically in good nick, I thought doing the coconut oil treatment might help. Took half a teaspoon out of the jar every week and warmed it over a pan of boiling water. Massaged it in then wrapped a towel round my head for about half an hour.

Also used to massage bay rum on other occasions.

Nothing helped, so I had a short cut from then onwards. Bah humbug :-p

The last time l did the hot oil treatment, l only gave my hair one shampoo when l washed the oil out. Big Mistake as my hair was a bit lank! After the next shampoo, my hair was much better!

Yesterday, l used Paul Mitchell, The Conditioner ‘ORIGINAL’ on my hair. I have had it for years now. It’s expensive but you only need a tiny spot about the size of a penny in the palm of your hand. Slightly rub your palms together and apply it evenly to your pre-washed hair. You don’t rinse it out!

It is non greasy. I had even applied normal conditioner after l shampooed my hair, then put this on as an afterthought. My hair was the best for ages and full of body!

One of my hairdressers told me never to put oil on hair as it takes forever to wash out .

I can believe that.

I am so glad my hair is very short, it is dry by the time I get downstairs after my shower.:slight_smile: