Thinking of Oysters I think just Pearls…otherwise I’d run for the sick pan…
any fishy stuff like that I feel the same…
We used to buy shell fish, direct from fishermen, in Portugal, and they’d give you a bottle of seawater to keep them in. Would get squirted all over the kitchen, but a good way to wash them out inside.
We ate lobster when we were in South Africa, Taiwan and elsewhere when my family had the opportunity.
Raw is not wrong. I like my steak very rare, I like steak tartar and carpaccio. Raw fish such as sushi and sashimi is delicious. Offal should almost always be lightly cooked.
Of course, I know that things like poultry needs proper cooking. But I prefer raw oyster fresh from their shells to cooked oysters.
I’ve been put off now. I keep forgetting our sea is full of filth these days
It makes me want to vomit just at the thought of eating an oyster
Yes, it’s one of those things that the more you think about it the more angry and frustrated you become.
Depending on which Rugby team ‘Lost’ the match.
“Shucking and Chucking Method”. The ‘Tie’ Breaker.
Shackle to a piece of string.
Pull it In and Out. Up & Down.
Whoever can do it the most times. Without being sic

Why don’t oysters share their pearls?
Because they’re “shellfish”! …
Never had oysters - not something on my bucket list. Neither is sushi.
I Love them, i could eat them all the time !
There an aphrodisiac you know ….
So true Annie
My husband will not touch and fish or seafood now , because of what they eat at the bottom of the ocean
I used to go cockling with my dad ,when we went on our summer holidays to the kent coast
We waded through thick mud out to sea ,
Bought them home , and dad cleaned and cooked them
Beautiful taste !
Perhaps I’m missing out here
Try them chilli……just put on lemon juice and swallow …
Okay…you’re on!
Next day trip to Brighton I’ll try one…lock up your daughters!
Lol lol…the best place to have them chill…
Btw , Must be followed by a glass of champers !
Really Cosmos!!!
you’re a very bad influence…
Yuck Noooo, Even reading this thread is giving me trouble holding onto my breakfast.