Do you eat raw Oysters?

:face_vomiting:Watching people catching Oysters and eating them straight out of the ocean :face_vomiting:


I canā€™t remember whether I have had oysters. I think I have once possibly for breakfast, maybe it was in Amsterdam in a live music bar with a beer (vague memory). I first came across them as a child on a school trip to France. I wasnā€™t brave enough to try them, but of course the teachers did (as they were considered a ā€œdelicacyā€) and so did one of my best friends. I still remember how she screwed up her face. She said it tasted like a rubbery fish and crunchy (from bits of sand).


No I havenā€™t, Iā€™ve almost tried them many time but just change my mind at the last minute. There is one popular seafood vendor on the seafront at Brighton that has a nice selection of goodies and every time we go down for a day trip I seriously think about trying an oyster. One of the things that puts me of is the horrible sewage situation on our coastlines and oysters are filter feeders after all :nauseated_face:


Itā€™s a big NO from me, not that I ever would .
With brown flags recently been awarded to many Hampshire and IOW beaches,
Warning people not to go into the water ā€¦
These are seaside resorts that until 2024 were blue flag beaches or acceptable ā€¦heartbreaking .
Grrrr Southern Water .


No doubt about it. Us humans know how to ruin a good thing.
Something I have noticed is that not enough people complain.
Imagine 50-60-70% of a populace getting together and formally complaining to each al politicians.
Then there would be some action.


Love oysters - fresh, spot of finely chopped shallots & vinegar, dob of tabasco - delicious. Crisp white wine with them. I love that smell of seaside rock pools when you first have one. I can easily eat a dozen in one sitting.


I tried tasting them once, never again! :nauseated_face:

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Is there any other way to eat them? Yum

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Iā€™ll pass

I think someone else will enjoy it more.

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Thinking of Oysters I think just Pearlsā€¦otherwise Iā€™d run for the sick panā€¦
any fishy stuff like that I feel the sameā€¦


We used to buy shell fish, direct from fishermen, in Portugal, and theyā€™d give you a bottle of seawater to keep them in. Would get squirted all over the kitchen, but a good way to wash them out inside.

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We ate lobster when we were in South Africa, Taiwan and elsewhere when my family had the opportunity.

Raw is not wrong. I like my steak very rare, I like steak tartar and carpaccio. Raw fish such as sushi and sashimi is delicious. Offal should almost always be lightly cooked.
Of course, I know that things like poultry needs proper cooking. But I prefer raw oyster fresh from their shells to cooked oysters.

Iā€™ve been put off now. I keep forgetting our sea is full of filth these days :frowning:


It makes me want to vomit just at the thought of eating an oyster :face_vomiting:

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Yes, itā€™s one of those things that the more you think about it the more angry and frustrated you become.


Depending on which Rugby team ā€˜Lostā€™ the match.
ā€œShucking and Chucking Methodā€. The ā€˜Tieā€™ Breaker.
Shackle to a piece of string.

Pull it In and Out. Up & Down.
Whoever can do it the most times. Without being sic :sweat_smile:

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Why donā€™t oysters share their pearls?
Because theyā€™re ā€œshellfishā€! ā€¦:laughing:


Never had oysters - not something on my bucket list. Neither is sushi. :no_mouth: