Do you Dream a lot?

Last nights dream was a little disconcerting.
There appeared to be some kind of catastrophe that wiped out most of the population but left all the buildings intact.
There I were wandering the city for who knows how long. Definitely months, there were people keeping up appearances, well dressed etc, there were those who seemed to have given up, dishevelled hair, tatty clothing, body odour.
With all the buildings in tact, everything was available to everybody.
Myself? I seemed to be having a ball of it, wearing what might be called gaudy clothing, always drawn towards true blue.
I suppose there was this understanding the the power grid would give way eventually so I took precautions, ie, using elevators as little as possible.
Being as everything was available to everyone, (there seemed to be no police or other authorities present), places not normally accessible to the hoi polloi were open slather.
I entered some very richly adorned buildings and was enjoying this period of free for all.
Then, ignoring my own caution I entered an elevator with wall to ceiling mirrors, pushing the roof button, the lift begins to rise then the power cut out.
Sudden realisation swept over me. This is were I will die. Inside an elevator covered with mirrors, total darkness, no chance of rescue.

I awaken, 3.30am, time for work.

What an exciting life you seem to live Bret. Or maybe you just have a vivid imagination. :wink:

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it’s strange, the vivid imagination only surfacing during sleep periods :grin:

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No idea, sometimes I wake with a jump and I know I was dreaming but not a clue what about.

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Dream? I never stop. :rofl:. Recent dreams have included being in a very overgrown garden with thorns and thistles I had to fight my way through.

I woke up in the night asking my husband if the baby is OK. The babies are in their 40s!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I apparently also talk and sing in my sleep as well as snore. Delightful!

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I do have an artistic bent and see beauty/arty stuff all around me.

My imagination is ever present. Work encroaches so dreaming is a huge outlet for me.

Know what ya mean Bret, my dreams usually involve me taking the unwilling lead, helping folks out of a local bad situation.

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I presume I dream every night but don’t usually remember them.
I’ve noticed I am more likely to remember my dreams during times of anxiety.

I tend to have very vivid and scary dreams when I’m feeling anxious or unsettled about something - the type of scary dreams where I wake up in the middle of the night, with my heart pounding, feeling that I’m in life-threatening danger - sometimes in my dream I am trying to escape from danger but I am physically incapable of moving - whatever horrible scary dream I’m having feels very real.
Dreams like that wake me up and it takes me a few minutes for the panic to subside and to calm my racing heartbeat - then I have to force myself to move and switch the light on, to convince myself that there’s no danger and I’m safely tucked up in bed and it was all just a dream.
Sometimes, those kind of dreams are so scary I have to get up and tour the whole house, switching all the lights on and checking each room and all the doors and windows before I can return to bed and settle down again.

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I have had scary dreams where, when woken up by the events I do not want to go back to sleep lest the dream continues.


I have a lot of dreams when I’m well rested. When I’m really tired, I either don’t have dreams or don’t remember them. I dream a lot when I’m in that state between sleeping and waking, not when I’m completely passed out. I’ve had a couple nightmares lately but I took them as good signs that I was catching up on sleep.

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I do seem to have very detailed dreams every night and usually remember most things them the next day.
Some are quite disconcerting and linger longer in my mind.
What really intrigues me is who are the people in them? They are all strangers but with different faces, ages, speech etc. I never recognise them but they are so real I sometimes don’t want them to leave.

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I don’t sleep much these days and I’m glad when I remember a dream because it’s meant that I’ve actually slept.
I do have a recurring one ,where I’m going to somewhere familiar but when I get there I don’t know the place at all :grinning:

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My recurring dream, night & day, is the postman’s letter stating I was doing 21mph in one of these new 20mph zones. I have seen the speedo creep up to 21, it does happen, I know I’m guilty, it’s just a matter of time. Maybe if I lost my licence, I’d be a free man, sleep soundly.

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It’s rare for me to remember a dream :zzz:

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I always seem to dream about my mum and dad, in that they go off somewhere and disappear leaving me waiting for them. It makes me feel that they are abandoning me. I often wonder if it’s because of the way mum left me when she suffered the SAH on our cruise.

I also have dreams but don’t remember them when I wake up. That frustrates me.

I walk in my sleep,i talk in my sleep and my grandson does too,i dream every night.
Last nights dream, i was walking in water to loose weight :roll_eyes:.
What i find strange is you dream about people you have never seen or met.crazy.

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Yes, I do dream a lot, sometimes I remember them. My recurring dreams are trying to find my daughter at a car boot sale.

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