Do you do the same things every day?

Is your life like a CD player in repeat mode; the identical song is playing over and over. The same procedure as last year, The same procedure as every year?
How often do you try new things?
Do you step outside your comfort zone?
How could one live life doing the same things every day for the rest of their life? Just repeating the same tasks over and over again and again. Seeing the same things day after day. Nothing new. Nothing exciting or enjoyable.
What can we do to bring new experiences to our sometime boring life?

  • Maybe volunteer somewhere that your experience would be valuable.
  • Take up, Paint by Numbers. so simple and make one look like an expert.
  • Write about your wants, Desires and needs. A great outlet and an insight into
    who you really are and who you want to be.
  • Play the “Twister” floor game with family/friends. A bit of frivolity does
    wonders for the psyche.
  • Heard of “Spirograph”? Create intricate designs to marvel at.
  • Go to a fun fair, ride the Roller Coaster
  • Try a new hairstyle/outfit
  • Declutter your home and throw out those things that sit there year after
    year. It is only stuff
  • Join an Ice cream making club
  • Do Jigsaw puzzles and have them framed.
  • Buy a tent and go camping with your partner/best friend and watch the sun
    Life is too short to be “Stuck in a Rut”

I live with two quite eccentric females so life can be stressful but never boring.

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my body tells me what i may or may not do, but sometimes my brain forgets what it has been told


Some people just like to do the same things everyday, but lets not confuse that with a ‘Good routine’ Having the same things for breakfast each day, going for walk everyday or writing on the forum everyday…Occasionally I do things spontaneously and surprise Mrs Fox…


We take different routes, up the hill, down to the schools, visit each others homes … wherever the dog takes us.

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Everyday is different,i don`t plan anything,i just go with the flow as does my husband.