Do you believe in horoscopes?

I know what my horoscope is based on my birthdate, but I don’t read the daily paper about it. I don’t even know if people still read the paper to see their horoscope. Maybe it’s all online now?

Do you read your horoscope and follow it?

Absolutely not.

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lol, why not? You could join the likes of Albert Einstein. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s simple - I don’t believe in the supernatural.

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Well horoscopes are more believable than our Governments.

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Absolutely not!


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Sorry, but this is taken out of context. Einstein’s only known comment on astrology is in a 1943 letter to one Eugene Simon: “I fully agree with you concerning the pseudo-science of astrology. The interesting point is that this kind of superstition is so tenacious that it could persist through so many centuries.”

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Nope. As far as I’m concerned, it’s all a load of old gonads.

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No, I don’t do horoscopes but I do have a small belief in star sign characteristics.

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No I definitely do not believe in horoscopes. :grinning:

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I was once being examined by my doctor, I asked how is it looking?, he said “ im afraid mercury is in Uranus “, I replied, “ I don’t believe in that nonsense doc,”, “ neither do I,” he replied, “ I’ve just broken my thermometer “……


i don’t believe in believing

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Opportunities to grow, learn, and heal emerge today, dear Cancer, as Venus and Chiron align at the top of your solar chart.

Creativity: Good ~ Love: Good ~ Business: Excellent

I am collecting my dogs medication from the vets today :joy:

Me believe …It’s all hocus-pocus :wink:

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That’s what intrigues me about horoscopes. They can be interpreted to be about anything. You’re healing your dogs, learning about whether the medication works and growing in wisdom.

Look out for Love at the vets. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::upside_down_face:

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My little fella has a heart murmur, his medication has stopped the progression.

At the vets I was smitten by a 6 month King Charles Cavalier .:wink:

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I used to read it in the newspaper daily while at work. One visit to my regular bookshop, the owner, whom by now knew the things I’d love to read about, offered me my usual weekly pile.

On top was a Horoscopes by Zodiac Signs, copy… Whenever I read my horoscope, the contrary would happen. So, I took some, aka what resonated and left some, what didn’t.

I bought the book, my one and only, which gave compatibility issues between prospective signs in marriage. Put it that way, that’s when I stopped believing in horoscopes and got back into Tarot, which has never let me down.

So, to answer your question @butterscotch No I no longer believe in horoscopes in newspapers since 1984. :+1:

Continuing into the field of horoscopes. I’ve found this YouTube Video channel called “Zodiac Talks” Have a look as you might find something funny about yourself that you’ve wondered but never knew!

And this lady in Essex is really interesting to watch if you’re into psychic readings and Paranormal experiences

It say’s I’m selfish!I don’t agree with that all.I’m the most generous open handed person I know…

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I used to read them for a laugh years ago when we had daily newspapers but horoscopes seem to have disappeared along with newspapers…changing reading habits I suppose…maybe we should have daily horoscopes thread here…:slight_smile:


Here’s a daily site if people want to check their horoscope daily. I just found it on a search.