Do the Boy Scouts still do, "Bob a Job"?

When I was a Scout we had Bob a Job week as a fundraiser.
Visiting peoples homes to do jobs for them. Be it Gardening, Window /Car Washing etc.
We would be paid in Bobs, 20 cent increments. Though most people paid $1 or $2.
We also had “Bottle Week”
We went door to door collecting bottles for recycling cash.
I’m talking 1970’s and 80’s

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2012 is as far as I have read so far…

guess things maybe have changed again though…


there is one good reason why not and here it is

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No, they don’t do bob a job like they used to, going to peoples homes to ask if they want anything doing, health and safety ( theirs) they still do organised events where there are adults to supervise…

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They stopped doing Bob a Job in the 1990s in England.It was first started in 1949 so it lasted a good few years.

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