What you are missing sir, and the main point of it all, are peoples right to / not to associate with others, regardless of habits / dangers. I recognize your rights, but you have no regards for mine, it’s not rocket science, but isn’t that the general issue today in politics, one must see things “my way”, instead of “live and let live”? As far as I am concerned, you can do your thing , I WILL do mine, you display a total disregard for the rights of others, but your own.
Its always been divide and rule, people who don’t like something are organized into a lobby group, and played against an opposing group, eventually, all individual rights are eradicated, live and let live, before its too late
…and that is my point,thank you. I do not care what you do, just be human enough to respect my right to like / otherwise, so long as it does not interfere with the law and / or the " rights" of others.
Most people here smoke weed. I had to move well away from somebody in the shop yesterday as he stunk.
Any physician will tell you smokers are more likely to have heart attacks, strokes, and angina than non-smokers, and at a younger age, and yes, secondhand smoke (SHS) is more dangerous than people often think.
In adults who do not smoke, secondhand smoke exposure can cause coronary heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, and other diseases. ...
Secondhand smoke can cause adverse reproductive health effects in women, including low birth weight.
Now I realize that some will brand me a “know it all”, but avoiding smoking /
smokers, and and second hand smoke, at our (especially) age contributes to a more healthy life. The argument can be made that heart / health issues are / can be caused by more than just smoking ( heredity/ stress…ect…), but why push it, it’s totally up to you, it’s your right. OOOHHH yes, and we haven’t even mention smoking’s contribution to mental / emotional health, individuals with serious mental illness die about 15 years earlier than individuals without serious mental illness who never smoke. About half of deaths among those hospitalized for schizophrenia, depression, or bipolar disorder are from causes linked to smoking, and we haven’t even gotten to Alzheimer’s / Dementia. Toxins in cigarette smoke cause inflammation and stress to cells, which can lead to Alzheimer’s disease/ Dementia.
Any / every fact I’ve posted is easily researched.
You so rarely see smokers these days I don’t think I have been close enough to smell one for years. Less than 10% of adults smoke so don’t even smell smoke walking along the street in Sydney.
Smoking must have become a furtive activity
Snap! It was the same for me. It was a National No Smoking day in the 70s.I used to smoke Players no6, mainly for the coupons they came with, for gifts from their catalogue. Obviously, you needed a massive amount to get anything.Then I switched to mentol,( Consulate), thinking they be healthier, not at all! Finally tried cheap cigars, (Castella, Wintermans, etc.) I can’t believe the horrendous price cigarettes are now. If that does’nt make you quit, then nothing will!
We can can attribute this to a better informed / educated society, thus a more health conscious society.
Smoking was largely a coming of age thing, a bit like getting into pubs and X films. We’d smoke on the London Underground in our school uniforms, swop fags in the school playground, Boars Head tobacco was a revelation, blew my mind!
I too started on consulate menthol cigarettes , they somehow seemed that little bit safer, benign.
My old friend who introduced me to consulate sadly passed away just a few years ago, lung cancer, we can only draw our own conclusions.
Jethro Read these comments AND Went 2. >>
xxx. Hollier than Thou.org. To meet U All.
All the way 2 the Glass House.
(1) Because smoking is bad for you Annie. Smoking is like Russian Roulette, you know it’s bad for you but the habit and the great feeling keeps you lighting up, and with apparently no ill effects and being able to run like the wind It didn’t occur to me that anything was wrong.
(2) While in hospital after my first heart attack some very caring and skilled people took care of me and returned me to good health. Had I kept on smoking their work would probably have been in vain so it was my duty to them, the NHS, and my family to do the best I could to stay alive and healthy.
(3) Smoking may, or may not have been the cause of my heart attack, but when you are facing death in the eye you will do everything you can to postpone it as long as possible, only a fool would have continued to smoke…20 years later and counting, and still enjoying lots of exercise everyday. It was agreed by most of the medical people that being a runner may have saved my life.
excellent question / point, and Mohammad Ali is a prime example, Muhammad Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at the age of 42 in 1984, three years after he retired from boxing. However, he showed signs of the disease several years earlier, including “Slurred speech”. A study of Ali’s speech from 1968 to 1981 found that his speech slowed by 26% from age 26 to 39, and he was slurring his words by 1978. “Hand tremors”: Ali’s hands were visibly trembling by the time he was 38 years old.
What we are doing by pointing out the risks athletes take (which we are not) is only making excuses, “look at the risks they take” which gives us an impression (false impression ) that we are safer, obviously not.
And you are missing my point Senile. I recognise every persons rights, including yours, I also respect everyone until they give me a reason not to.
But in all honesty, If I am in a place where I’m allowed to smoke I couldn’t care less about your health. Your health is your responsibility not mine. I have been a non smoker for over 20 years now but if someone lit up close to me, I would either enjoy the smell or move away, I certainly wouldn’t attack their right to have a smoke.
Who, at any point, said anything about attacking anyone ? Your original complaint was people who avoided you because you either smoked or were unvaxed, and my point was it was their right.
I started a bit later at 17 Chilli. I had tinkered about with cigs before that but inhaling them made me go dizzy, eventually while attending college on day release from work, where everyone smoked (including the lecturer) I bummed a few fags off the lads and felt it my duty to pay them back so I bought some…The rest is history…
During my 36 years as a smoker I’ve smoked everything that burns. Pipes, fags, cigars, even some herbal ones that tasted like camel shit…
I have only smoked weed twice, although it made me laugh and have good sex with Mrs Fox, it wasn’t for me…
And my point was…Why should a vaxxed person avoid an unvaxxed one?
I can understand someone not wanting to breath second hand smoke, but why avoid unvaxxed?
Because a vaxed person can still catch covid, the shot does not make you immune, and depending on ones health, it can be more dangerous to some than others. I get both the flu and covid shots every year, and I still stay clear of crowds year round, and still have had covid twice. Now, do not get me wrong, I was never down more than three or four days, but I hate being sick, so I avoid crowds and strangers as much as possible (I am an introvert anyway)…
Avoiding crowds is the best solution Senile, and you sound a lot like me. I walk alone every day and spend most of my time by myself in the workshop. Strangely, I’ve also had covid twice, the first time I thought I was going to die, although I didn’t need to go to hospital, it lasted over a week. The second time was just like a cold and lasted a couple of days.
I’m quite extrovert though when I’m in company, Mrs Fox says I’m a show off, but nobody believes that…Do they?
Funny thing about life and people, my friend, as much we think we are different, as much we eventually discover we are the same.
I was in a shop some time back and a stunning young woman came in. Beautiful face, figure and clothes. Could have been a model. As she walked past me she actually smelled like an overflowing ashtray. It was truly vile.
Next 1st Feb will be 20 years quit for me.