A shame not to get in touch but it’s obvious you feel cautious. If you would like reassurance, I can offer to check certain facts for you - birth/marriage/death years and place; electoral registers etc from genealogy websites. You’d either have the reassurance that what your sister is telling you is the truth; or know she’s good at telling lies. Handy to have some insight about people.
As it happens the contact went nowhere and to be honest I am not at all bothered. After 65 + years it was always going to be difficult and what with her very weird views on the virus, the vaccine and UFO’s we had nothing in common.
I unfriended her on FB and she never sent another email.
Well that is a little bit sad I suppose…but you can’t choose your family.
Only slightly related to the title of this thread, but I would have adored a sister if I had been lucky enough to have one. Alas, as an only child to a war damaged mother and a father who did not survive past my 5th birthday, I had deep envy for those children with a sibling.
My feelings exactly @LongDriver I would have longed to have a sibling, my father died when I was very young and my mother never remarried
I suppose it has a lot to with age it makes you aware of your mortality…
If she didn’t get in touch with you now tomorrow might be to late .
If it was me I would go for it. Cant do any harm.