Do coffee grinds help ward off slugs or condition the soil?

I get through quite a bit of the stuff these days what with my new coffee maker and was wondering if I should put them on my garden soil. I have heard that coffee grinds help to ward off slugs as well as condition the soil.

Any comments anyone?

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Slugs on caffeine? Hmm, interesting :smiley: That’s all I have to say on the matter. I use mine to dye paper and fabric.

Ha yes, I can imagine them working day and night on my Hostas. :lol:

Well I did read that it overstimulates their mucous production, so slows them down…so maybe its worth a shot?

No, it simply enables them to stay awake longer, thus enabling them to do even more damage to your plants. Dregs of chamomile tea would be better, it inclines them to stop off for a nap before they proceed to decimate your prized flora.

Dongle, do be careful if you do this, because of Murtagh.
I don’t know what he’s like, but certainly one of mine would have her snout in it, investigating, before I even got back indoors!

Have a read of this, and see what you think:

If you still decide to go ahead, this link has a lot of info on how to use coffee grounds.

Failing that, maybe you could just add it to the compost heap and mix it in, instead?

As Mups said, add them to your compost heap if you have one. Otherwise, sprinkle them on your garden and hoe or rake them in.

Thanks Mups. It’s not worth it in that case. I shall bin it instead. I have just received some organic slug pellets that are not harmful to animals or bees so will stick with that.


Like you…new coffee machine, I have used it on an hydrangea which I want to change colour, rest goes into the compost bin

Thanks Percy. I had already tipped some on the ground but just went out and hoed it into the soil so that Murtagh can’t get hold of it.

I had no idea it could do that. :shock:

Me neither. A brown flower?


I never thought of the stimulated insect angle, which is definitely plausible.

Acid-loving plants do like the caffeine though.

To gather up the slugs, place some cardboard (then dampen it with a hose to flatten it) or large upside down lids on the soil as they love to live under them, then just scoop them up and put them in the compost pile.

I’ve been sticking them on the cucumber, potatoes and tomatoes. All growing brilliantly this year and flowering etc.

Must see if the hydrangea trick works. I was thinking that to get around the green/brown balance would it be quicker to just get some pet feed straw and mix that in? I have been told that straw stops slugs (new work colleague advice I haven’t tried)



Thought that copper sulphate was the thing to use?

There are quite a few plants that like coffee grounds, roses are one…in moderation of course…look it up LD.

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