Dingbats quizzes 5

Can you guess the phrase or saying from the dingbat clues

  1. Laying in wait
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  1. Powered up
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Lying in wait 2.

  1. Long underwear

  2. Three quarters (probably wrong as it’s so obvious!)

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  1. Packing up
  1. Skinny dipping
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2 Lying in wait
5. Skinny dipping
6. Long underwear
9. Powered up

only 4 correct answers still No1 3 4 7 & 8 to guess

7 Little by little
8 A break in custom

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4 Changing speed

3 Body count

1 First to arrive

8 A break in custom

only 1 guessed correctly

1 how do we go thru doors
3 top word is the 2 word answer
4 not changing speed as that is not the word
7 are the fractions a long way apart from each other

3 Feet first
4 A change in pace
7 Close quarters
8 One at a time

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well done @purplerainbow all are correct and finishes this round

1 One at a time
3 Feet first
4 A change in pace
7 Close quarters