Dingbats pics quiz 16

Can you guess the answers from the dingbat clues ?

C3 Nobody’s Above the Law

D3 T Shirt

B3 High Voltage

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D1 RockandRoll
C1 Caesar Salad

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A2 See eye to eye

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a3. All by Myself

C2 The Internet

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C2 The Internet

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B2 lo and behold

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A1 Reverse Gear

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A1 Reverse Gear
A2 See eye to eye
A3. All by Myself
B2 Low and behold
B3 High Voltage
C1 Caesar Salad
C2 The Internet
C3 Nobody’s Above the Law
D1 Rock n Roll
D3 Tee Shirt

correct answers just B1 & D2 left to guess

are hard to guess and even i know the answers so will try to help

B1 a ship like this

D2 American DJ

D2 Casey Kasem ( had to ask my son!)

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no one seems able to get this last one needed here so will give the answer
B1 Exxon Valdez

i had not heard of it so had to google this is the short story
The Exxon Valdez oil spillwas a major environmental disaster that made worldwide headlines in the spring of 1989 and occurred in Alaska on March 24, 1989.

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Thanks Feey