Dingbats pics quiz 15

Can you guess the answers from the dingbat clues ?

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A1 Hail Cesar

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A2 Too much too soon

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B3 Devious mind

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D3 Cease fire

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B2 Excuse me??

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only 5 correct answers so far surely we do not need clues just yet

C1. Reverse image
C2. Safety first

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you got the safety part but its a 3 word answer sorry

C2 safety in numbers

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C1 mirror image

@Jazzi got C1 Reverse image … correct

couple of clues to help wiyj 2 answers

A3 think Infrequently
B1 its not the berlin wall

D2 - 2 for 1 sale??

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B1. Wailing Wall

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A3. Once in a while

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D1. Veterinarian

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A1 Hail Cesar
A2 Too much too soon
A3. Once in a while
B1. Wailing Wall
B2 Excuse me
B3 Devious mind
C1. Reverse image
C2 Safety in numbers
D1. Veterinarian
D2 2 for 1 sale
D3 Cease fire

correct answers just C3 left to guess

C3 you need to think about swimming

C3. Skinny dipping?

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well done @Jazzi C3 Skinny dipping … correct

am sorry if some seemed hard to guess i do try by helping with clues when i think no one able to guess the last ones.

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The swimming clue proved very helpful, thank you.