Dingbats pic quiz 6

Guess the word or phrase from the dingbat clues

  1. Bend over backward
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  1. The ends of the earth
    5 Too much make-up
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10…corners of the earth.

6 One in a million.

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  1. Tattoo
  2. Excuse me
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  1. West Indies
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10 corners of the earth (very close how many) @pauline3

10 Four corners of earth ?

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9 give no quarter

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1 Bend over backward
2. Tattoo
3. Excuse me
5 Too much make-up
6 One in a million.
7 West Indies
9 give no quarter
10 Four corners of earth

correct answers just No4 & 8 still to guess

I think I know 8 is it ok to answer 3 in a row?

Blast from the past?


Look like No4 has you all stumped i will try to help

test in school is also called _ _ _ _ should give you the start of the one word answer




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4 Examination … correct

well done everyone this round is now finished

Thanks for adding interest to the games! I appreciate you. :grinning:

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