Dingbats pic quiz 11

Guess the word or phrase from the dingbat clues

6 going round in circles

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  1. Mixed Feelings

4, Life begins at 40

  1. Every cloud has a silver lining.
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  1. Hopes Dashed
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@Boot , much politer than i had in mind…hope shot to f…:wink::grin:

@Dextrous63 - I’m glad to say that’s an expression I have never heard before! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

  1. Kiss and make up

Number Three… Play on words

Number 5… Bottomless pit?

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  1. Turn of the century?
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  1. In the here and now?
  1. Dashed hopes
  2. Mixed Feelings
    3 Play on words
    4, Life begins at 40
    5 Bottomless pit
    7 Kiss and make up
    8 Every cloud has a silver lining.
    10 Turn of the century

correct answers just No9 still to guess

  1. In the middle of nowhere

well done @Boot 9 in the middle of nowhere … correct