Dingbat quiz 60

can you guess the PI related answers from the dingbat clues

  1. American Pie.
  2. British Empire
  3. Pirates of the Caribbean
  4. The Empire Strikes Back
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That’s me lot!

Blimey Jazzi, well done.
I didn’t even understand the question! :grinning:

2 American Pie.
4 British Empire
7 Pirates of the Caribbean
8 The Empire Strikes Back

hope you don’t mind i corrected the numbers and yes they are of course all correct

  1. Popeye the Sailor Man
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  1. Pecan Pie

Pioneer 5.

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  1. Pirateer

1 magpie ?

5 pioneer ?

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  1. Pineapple
    Lead piping 9.

Beginner’s luck. I claim not to understand anything about Pi but Feey had given the clue. It was just then about inserting the sound within the phrase. I can’t believe I did well, either!

2 American Pie.
3. Pecan Pie
4 British Empire
5 pioneer
6. Pineapple
7 Pirates of the Caribbean
8 The Empire Strikes Back
9 Lead piping
11. Popeye the Sailor Man

correct anwers still No1 10 & 12 to guess

  1. Shepherds Pie?
  1. Ten pipers piping

well done @RightNow i thought that was a very hard one to get

1 Shepherds pie
10 Ten pipers piping
just No12 a clue this has been guessed but not correctly for the number

Well I was going to suggest magpie (because of the magnet) for no. 12, but didn’t when somebody suggested it for no. 1.

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and yes 12 Magpie … correct

this round is now finished

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Feey, you are keeping us on our toes! Thank you for your efforts at this game! :smiley: