Dingbat quiz 59

Can you guess the movie titles from the dingbat clues

  1. The Woman in Red
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4.The Matrix

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  1. Never ending story
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  1. High School Musical (a guess)
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2 Wall E

3 Kick-ass

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  1. Wolf On Wall Street
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2 Wall E
3 Kick-ass
4.The Matrix
5. Never ending story
10 High School Musical
11 Wolf On Wall Street
12. The Woman in Red

correct answers still No6 8 & 9 left to guess

  1. Carter High
  1. Flashdance ?

9 Murder on the dancefloor lol?

6 Jaws 3-D
4 The Matrix :heartpulse:

  1. Fight Club?

Yay, you mean my guess was correct? Woo hoo.

6 Jaws 3-D
9 Fight Club

both correct just this one still left to guess

  1. Child’s Play
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well done @ruthio 8 Childs play … CORRECT

well done everyone this round is now finished