Dingbat quiz 43

.Can you guess the phrase or saying from the dingbat clues

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  1. Springtime
    The Thin Blue Line 12.
  1. To infinity and beyond
  1. Clip Art
  1. The Thin Blue Line

(whoops, sorry, just seen Ruthio already said this). :crazy_face:

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  1. Pirate Ship
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  1. Combat Zone
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7 pony trekking

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4 Godson?

  1. The weight is over
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  1. Father and Son?
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  1. Dead heat?
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5.No time to lose
11.Notorious Big ( Rapper )

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  1. Pirate Ship
    2 Springtime
    3 Dead heat
    4 Father and Son
    5.No time to lose
    6 Combat Zone
    7 pony trekking
    8 To infinity and beyond
    9 The weight is over
    10 Clip Art
    11.Notorious Big ( Rapper )
    12 The Thin Blue Line

all guessed correctly this round is now finished