Can you guess the phrase or saying from the dingbat clues
- Peppermint
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- Cheapskate
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- Zebra crossing
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2 Smart phone
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- Flip flop
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8 Bits and pieces
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- One armed bandit
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- Taylor Swift
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- Slippery when wet
- Catch 22 ?
sorry catch 22 is wrong
- New kid on the block
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Ahhh, how about -
- Put two and two together ?
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1 Peppermint
2 Smart phone
3. New kid on the block
4. Taylor Swift
5 Put two and two together
6. One armed bandit
8 Bits and pieces
9. Cheapskate
10. Zebra crossing
11. Flip flop
12. Slippery when wet
Correct answers just No7 left to guess
- Odd man out ?
sorry wrong something to do with him being in the center one
- Man in the middle?
a little more needed why is there no man in the middle
Hmmm . .
The missing link?