Dingbat quiz 36

Can you guess the phrase or saying from the dingbat clues

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Broken heart. 1

Card shark. 4

Love Island. 9

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  1. Poundland
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  1. Gemstone
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  1. Right between the eyes
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  1. Cable car
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  1. Three point turn
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2.Cat Flap.
8.All bets are off.
12.Ninja Warrior UK.

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1 Broken heart.
2.Cat Flap.
3. Poundland
4 Card shark
5. Gemstone
6. Three point turn
7. Right between the eyes
8.All bets are off.
9 Love Island.
11. Cable car
12.Ninja Warrior UK.

correct answers just No10 still to guess

  1. Kiss and Make-up
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well done @Rhian 10 Kiss and make up … correct

this round i now finished well done everyone