Dingbat quiz 30

Can you guess the phrase or saying from the dingbat clues

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  1. Forbidden Fruit
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  1. Beat about the bush (blush)
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12 ICI.

Bot said “Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?”

I hate that stupid bot.

its a full sentence rather than just the letters

  1. The last straw.
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  1. See eye to eye?
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  1. Top drawer.
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  1. Hit the nail on the head
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3.Kiss Chase
9.Up at the crack of Dawn

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3.Kiss Chase
5. Top drawer.
6. Hit the nail on the head
7. The last straw.
8 Beat about the bush
9.Up at the crack of Dawn
11 Forbidden Fruit
12 See eye to eye

8 correct answers still No1 2 4 & 10 to guess

only clue at moment No10 simply say what you see

10.10 minus 2 ?

no sorry go grab some chips see if it helps you

10…Take away

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well done 10 Take away … correct

No4 almost as rude as the beat around the bush

  1. All I can think of is Bell End ?
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well done again 4 Bell end … correct

bell is in the image and symbol under it is end of motorway

1 tv programme
2 sorry about the image in blue yellow and purple its suppose to be an organ in our body we use a lot

I think I’ve figured out the last two but I’ll give someone else a chance. :+1:

  1. Top gear.
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  1. Brain box
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