Dingbat quiz 27

Can you guess the phrase or saying from the dingbat clues

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  1. Rambo
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  1. Bread rolls
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  1. See Saw
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  1. Knock on wood
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10 Pilot light

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  1. Clock and Bull Story
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5 Hotshot

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do not see a clock

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That wasn’t me being coy - it was predictive text that changed what I typed! :rofl:

  1. Head over heels in love

    1. Mayonnaise

         11.    is kettle drum
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1 Head over heels in love
2. See Saw
3. Rambo
4. Knock on wood
5 Hotshot
7 Mayonnaise
9 Cock and Bull Story
10 Pilot light
11 Kettle drum
12 Bread rolls

correct answers just No6 & 8 left to guess

some clues if not got by time i been to shop for some sweets

  1. Gravy Boat ?
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well done @Boot 8 Gravy boat … correct

seems no one picked up on my subtle clue earlier

still no one PICKING up on my clues how SWEET is that

I’m seeing your clues but still not getting it!
I see the mixer but I don’t know what that first pic is - sherbet?

Sherbet Mix?

1st pic is used in making ice sculptors hope this helps now

Pick n Mix!

Doh! Why didn’t I think of that before?!

well done @Boot 6 Pick and mix … correct

sorry about the ice pick picture not too good

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