Dieting - how is everyone else losing weight and are your ways working?

Hope so I see this as a last chance to become the gorgeous creature I know lives beneath the fat.

Cate, I don’t think I’ll recognise you both when I come to visit in the summer :):slight_smile: Well done by the way.

Well done Cate and to Mr Cookie too :slight_smile:

You will both be falling in love all over again with your new looks :wink: :smiley:

You say the nicest things:blush::blush::blush::blush::blush:

Honestly though Marian, Mr. Cookie is really trimming down his belly has nearly gorn.

My the time summer reaches these parts you won’t know us.

Can’t wait to see you both, but I’m also going to have to try harder as well :slight_smile:

As the devil incarnate - want me post pictures of my Banana cake???:lol::lol::lol:

My diet is so marvellous because you spend the first 14 days getting rid of the sugar addiction UJ. It is hard cos your body really is addicted and when you cut out all sugar, and take your carbs down to about 15g. Stop drinking caffiene it is hard. You don’t feel too well, in fact you are going through withdrawal.

However comes the day your body doesn’t crave sugar any more and you feel wonderful. I can walk past Greggs, walki into a supermarket when they are baking and even make jams and chutneys quite happily as the craving for sugar is gone.

Therefore even your Banana cake wouldn’t do it. I have even been reading through a recipe for carrot cake which is one of my faves but it didn’t bring on the cravings and for that I am grateful.

Yesterday was our weigh day showing Mr Cookie had lost 3.5 lbs and I had lost 4lbs. Since January 1st Mr C has lost 36lbs and I have lost 22lbs since January 31st.

Feeling good as Mr. Cookies blood numbers are 4.6 - 5.1 before meals this is a normal non diabetic reading so we are over the moon.

I have a chest infection which I feel is dragging me down a bit but over all energy levels are high.

Cate darlin’ - there’s an awful lot of virus infections going the rounds which leaves the patient with a dry racking cough. If you haven’t been to the doctor and been given anti-biotics, then might I recommend you get a bottle of Pholcodine a bottle of ‘Jif’ lemon and a jar of honey. Hot honey & lemon drinks throughout the day and the cough medicine at 4 hourly intervals. Might take a day or two, but it does work.

I have a productive cough and usually the doc gives me antibotics. At first I thunk it was viral but now it has turned into the nasty stuff, so orf to the doc for me.

I am taking co-codamil at night and getting a good sleep, I am also drinking hot lemon but no honey.

Talking of honey we went to a local market on Saturday and a woman there was selling all kinds of flavoured honey including chilli, vanilla, menthol, I had never seen it before, my friend who tasted it said itwas ok but not worth £5 per jar.

That’s really good Cate :-D:-D Hope your chest infection clears up soon though!

Mee too I was gadding about like a two year old, planting tomatos, peppers and making jam and chutney then all of a sudden I feel really tired and just cream crackered again.

Orf to the docs I hope tomorrow for some medicine.

Well done to both you and Mr Cookie on your weight loss :041:

Hope you get rid of that nasty chest infection soon.

Conrats on your lass it feels great :wink:

Well done to you and MrCookie, Cate …:smiley:

Hope you get some medication for your chest infection today.

Woke up feeling a bit better and less congested. I figure that I am at the end of this now as it doesn’t hurt to cough any more and the coughing up stuff is not so disgusting. I went to a walk in clinic a week ago Monday and the doctor told me that it was too early to have any anti bionics.

My chest isn’t wheezing and I do feel so much better physically plus Mr Cookie has it now and he would have to get up and drive me to the doc. He has his tonsils so he gets tonsilitis or man flu

However, he was up and cooking breakfast saying that he doesn’t feel so bad. Bless that man losing weight has turned him into an angel,…nearly…almost…well somewhat.

Glad to hear you’re feeling a bit better today, Cate:-)

Poor MrCookie, by losing all that weight he hasn’t the strength to argue with you now!!! :wink: :lol:

Mr Cookie is the head of this house and he has my permission to say so.:021:

18th March another weigh day. Still not feeling right bloomin chest cold is hanging on. Will go to docs tomorrow deffinitely.

Mr. Cookie has lost another 2.2lbs and I have lost 1.2lbs which isn’t bad as we have been off our vittles and just drinking hot drinks.

Mr Cookie hasn’t done his blood test before meals as he hasn’t really been eating much at all.

This diet works chemically and you need to eat to lose weight. cooked a nice leg of lamb for week-end and a chicken curry but neither of us fancied much although Mr C is keeping alive on a very hot chilli that I made. He says it works better than vick, menthol or TCP.

You’re both still doing very well. How’s your chest now?