Diet of the Future

Oh! Okay. I can understand the novelty then …

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You’re showing your age Minx :grin:

(I don’t know, the youngsters of today) :wink:


Maree!! Don’t you dare throw something like that in the ring then run away blushing!! :joy: You get back here and explain yourself girl!


More like my ignorance :roll_eyes:


Everything comes to those who wait :stuck_out_tongue: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Well I can envisage various situations where someone might not want a pair of knickers lying around just waiting to be found by somebody they would prefer not to find them. In such situations, it would be convenient to be able to get rid of them by eating them. It was only a speculative thought. :thinking:

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Oi !! :075:

Stop chasing married women then :018:

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I never chase women, Minx, I might catch one and raise their expectations to unrealistic levels. :100:

I don’t mind seaweed and cacti, no dead creatures thank you :smiley:

Folks will be scratching their heads again, asking “Where is all the Cancer coming from”.

If we could possibly leave the edible knickers thoughts please, and get back on topic ?

One thing I defintely could not imagine eating is the Jellyfish. Surely they must be all slimey - or perhaps they’re not once they’re cooked?
Anyone ever tried them?

I don’t fancy the bugs and insects either, nor the cell-cultured ‘meat.’ - let alone any GM food. :icon_frown:


I remember putting a jelly fish in a bucket of water when I was a kid on holiday in Blackpool. I left the bucket on the step of the boarding house we were staying at. When I looked at it an hour or two later, there was nothing in the bucket but water. I expect something similar would happen if you tried to cook one.


And the same to you Sir. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Quinoa has been in such demand in recent years that it’s forcing the people who farm it to eat fast food as they can no longer afford their own staple crop.

Amaranth will likely go the same way. Not easy to find here at the moment.

The trouble with all this nonsense is that it’s fine dreaming about how sustainable it is right now, but in future if demand shoots up it’s a different story. If they start farming insects and seaweed that will have a knock on effect on ecosystems. They should just stick to what we eat now and focus on the pollution from big industries instead of trying to stop farting cows.