Did Your School Have a Latin Motto?

I remember my school having a motto.

“mens sana in corpore sano”

Remarkably it used to just fit around the expensive school blazer badge.

Not all of us started, or ended up, with the attributes suggested!

How Bow Chew? :speech_balloon:

Schola Ferreus Knocks :rofl:

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@Tedc However my Family Crest

has a good one “pious yet valiant” :grinning:

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Lucem Petimus

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Sounds like a knocking shop!


Sounds like an arsonist?

Seek the Light

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No latin
Empowering Tomorrows Women


Possumus Volumus.


I am checking the translations (Oxford Dictionary of Latin) and fake input will be deleted - unless it’s amusing!

:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

You mean like Biggus Dickus? (from the Monty Python film)

or his wife’s name: Incontinentia Buttox.

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you wish
:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :rofl:

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No, JBR, I was asking for mottos, not Boris’ Latin name!


My school motto (St George Grammar)

Virtute et Valore - “By Virtue and Valour”

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Latin motto…we didn’t even have an English one :blush:


Neither did we. It no longer exists either, they pulled it down & built a housing estate on the land.

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Our was German, Mehr Licht with a flaming torch of learning

Will they have to change it now we’ve left the EU? :rofl:

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Reigate County School for Girls
Latin motto: In Lucem

The author Joanna Trollop went there

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Yes, but it was still a crap place.

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My school had no Latin motto, indeed the school badge and school song seemed to have no relevance to its founding in 1674 by a relative of Sir William Harvey. The badge (and song) was all about the Battle of Trafalgar about 130 years later when a ship (Temeraire) captained by some descendant of William Harvey sank a French ship and captured another - the French ships names being at the bottom of the badge.

The only remarkable thing about it is that the Temeraire symbolises a new age (or rather the end of an old one) in Turner’s painting “The Fighting Temeraire” as she is towed away to be scrapped by a steam powered tug.

BTW I hated every moment of school from the day I started to the day I walked out after the last “O” level exam

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