Did your intended ask your father for your hand

All those of you who are married, were married that is. If so how did it go?

My OH did do this, my Dad’s answer, of course you can, but don’t send her back. :grinning:
He was joking of course.
Then we were married & actually moved in with my Parents as our house, the one that we were buying wasn’t fit to live in, it was being renovated. We stayed for 3 months.


Yes he did - it went well as he was seen by the parents as a good suitable match. He spoke to dad in the Sitting Room - I was taken elsewhere by mother to be given tow pieces of totally ridiculous ‘premarital advice’ - make him shave his under arms and make sure he is circumcised - no reason forthcoming for either!!

Two weeks before the wedding I called it all off - cut up the wedding gown and veil to make a tutu - I was not popular!


Dying Swan


Wow! ST, that was a beautiful dress & made a lovely tutu as well.
I didn’t know you were a ballet dancer?

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Beautiful lady and gown, Tabbs. I can assume it was the right choice for you. Decisions are often difficult, but necessary. :hugs:

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Thank you, Tiffany, I designed and made the dress … and the tutu! Am glad I had the gown photographed before I introduced it to the scissors. Yes, I was dancer until my mid forties. Stopped dancing and turned into a Blimp!

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Yes it was the right decision - I was marrying for all the wrong reasons - and he was far too nice a man to do that to him. Sometimes wonder where he is and hope that he is happy.


Beautiful pics Tabs

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Thank you, Rhian.

I bet you still walk like a dancer though.

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your story made me laugh , the advice bit I mean … and i must say what courage you shown calling it off .
Did some one else steal your heart later .?

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No, my intended did NOT have words with my father before we married :thinking::thinking:
Donkeyman! :worried::worried:

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Gosh ST you are one strong minded woman to call off a wedding…
That must have been a difficult decision to make.

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Lovely Photos ST…
My Husband was given the riot act…he had been in a little trouble and so my late Dad did put him through the wringer…Its ok though as I have being doing that ever since… :innocent:

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It was - but it was the right one.

One or two - but we never made it down the aisle.

LOL - I am told that I do - I suppose that amount of discipline lingers.


Hope your procedure was a success…I spoke with Hilary who was my last good neighbour the other day. She and her Husband has had Covid January gone. They are still not well but she is doing better than her man as she has carried on keeping fit all her life since leaving the infamous Tiller Girls ‘working’ at the London Palladium with Bruce Forsythe’
…Her weight is almost the same as back then…Wish mine was…

Dianne and my late Dad…9th September 1967
Beddington Church within the beautiful Beddington Park.

I still have the horseshoe that was attached to the bouquet…and memories of Husband arriving in our ex BIL’s Bread Van…


No they didn’t Tiff…I was married in registry office, my second marriage my father disagreed with and didn’t come to my wedding…

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That is sad, Pauline.
We got married in a registry office too, had already decided on that. Dad said you can have the big reception or you can have a small reception & I’ll give you the money as a deposit on your house. We sensibly chose the latter. I am so gad we did else we’d never have been able to afford the deposit to buy a house.