I thought it would be fun to start a “Did You Know” fact thread…it can be funny or serious.
Here goes.
Did you know, you can get your eyeballs tattooed…
Did you know , there’s a toilet museum…
I thought it would be fun to start a “Did You Know” fact thread…it can be funny or serious.
Here goes.
Did you know, you can get your eyeballs tattooed…
Did you know , there’s a toilet museum…
Toilet museum - yes - heard of that.
Eyeballs tattooed - no way - don’t even want to think about it.
You cannot sneeze with your eyes open.
Did you know …
It has been illegal since the reign of George I (1660-1727) for a commoner’s pet to have carnal knowledge of an animal belonging to the monarch, for example a corgi
Did you know …
It can still be construed as treason to stick on a postage stamp with the monarch’s head upside down.
Did you know that postage stamps are legal tender and can be used in shops to purchase things? The shop aren’t under obligation to accept them - they consider them as arduous as counting out large sums of loose change.
I never knew Singapore banned chewing gum, unless a doctor prescribes, it for therapeutic reasons .
Yes, I have heard of that one,ST,
Did you know …
Oliver Cromwell (snarl, hiss) passed a law forbidding the consumption of Mince Pies on Christmas Day and that it has never been repealed?
Did you know …
You can still kill a Scotsman in York - providing he is carrying a bow and arrow - and it is not Sunday!
Did you know you can buy a flying bicycle…I wonder if you would need a pilots license,
Mine are mostly mathsy. Its impossible to comb hairy ball flat…There will always be tufts and swirls.
Did you know that there is a museum in France showing how good fake goods actually are.
Did you know you can only fold a piece of paper over on itself 7 times…no matter how large the sheet? (That’s about as mathsy as I get)
Did you know…Einstein’s brain was stolen when he died.
Did you know Basil, Mint,Cinnamon,Onions deter Spiders from entering your Home.
Did you know next Month is mating season for Spiders and thats when they enter your home .
This is more inavlauble than you will ever know!
I did know - and they are welcome.
Did you know that there are theoretical particles called tachions which travel at fastet than the speed of light, which would mean that they’ll have left somewhere before they arrived.