Did you have to "Do Lines" as punishment at school?

Never heard of it in Tasmania in the 70’s
Punishment? I really do not remember any punishment but the cane - or cuts as they were call.
I usually received 6 “cuts” on each hand for not doing my homework

Yes. I particularly remember one.
“I must not whistle at young ladies in awkward predicaments”

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Our school had strict belt lashing for kids who got into trouble. We had some rowdy kids but equally rowdy teachers who did their own discipline.
If any parents complained the entire class would be punished by having to stare at the clock for 45 minutes. Many kids had to turn their head all the way around . It was brutal at times. I never got the belt from school. My dad was far worse.

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Yes, we did lines. I used to hold two pens and write two lines at a time.
I also mastered the art of writing both left and right handed (for when I got writer’s cramp)

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Cocaine wasn’t allowed at my school.


Punishments were often dealt out at my school, the recipient Teachers often resigned.

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Any kind of corporal punishment was strictly forbidden and didn’t happen. I vaguely remember that a teacher could make you stand in the corner. You could also be given an hour’s detention with doing lines which was more a punishment for the teacher because they had to stay there as well. I don’t remember ever having to do that. A real punishment for me was a message to the parents in the homework diary for them to sign which would entail unwelcome discussions.

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Yes….not sure they served any purpose!


There was lines at my school, I remember a class mate getting them and we all helped out one lunch time to get them done quickly. It was for not doing her home work. When we got to the lesson the teacher just ripped them all up in front of us ….we were so annoyed.
We also had a thing where if naughty we had to stand with our nose in a circle drawn on the blackboard ( allowed to call it that then) with our back to the class. Thankfully I never did.

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A strict Catholic School.

The Nuns were in charge of discipline.

Detention and lines were common, all done in Silence and not allowed out until the last Bus was gone.

If you did not manage to do enough lines which were immaculate, you were caned on stage in the morning Assembly.

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I think I did do lines once, smoking in the playground was why if memory serves me well.

When I went to secondary school in 1973 much of the emphasis was about expressing yourself rather than education.

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That is really sad.
It is a pity that no one who went through being punished by sadistic teachers ever sued them and the schools.
Much of the punishment was bordered on criminality.

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I got the belt (strap)…

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I did get six of the best at Junior school. I think I worried the head master as I remained unperturbed. I was about 8 at the time.

We had detention and lines at Secondary school. One time a friend and I scratched our names on new desks and inked them in. No point denying it!


I’m horrified by the tales of sadism inflicted on children in the name of discipline too. Always a psychopathic or sexual element to it, I think

Thank goodness times have changed :pray:

It wasn’t done to sue then, was it? But if any teacher had done that to me, my dad would have done time for what he did to them!

I wonder if any of the abused kids ever went to find their old teachers?

At our school primary school it was just telling off, having to sit at the “naughty” desk or missing playtime

At secondary, an hours detention, Wednesday afternoon. We had to study in that hour, it was a very academic school, they wouldn’t waste time on lines!


I attended an all girls school and can remember pieces of chalk and wooden board rubbers being thrown at anyone not paying attention. The Maths teacher had a periscope attached to the blackboard so that he could watch us whilst writing on the board - he was pretty accurate with his throwing too! I don’t remember lines or corporal punishment though - perhaps I was a perfect pupil :roll_eyes:

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I remember the occasional board rubber being thrown. Not at me, but quite a heavy piece of wood! Luckily it never hit anyone.

Some of the classes were 30 plus pupils so must have been difficult to control and easy to get lost.

Sixth form was a much more personal experience.


When I was first at the grammar school the prefects could administer corporal punishment(usually with a dap (plimsoll)but it was stopped because they were enjoying it too much.

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Except for time outs and verbal scoldings to stop, I don’t remember punishments given out at school. Maybe I’m glossing over it because none of it happened to me.

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