Did you have a best friend growing up?

I had two friends that I’d consider my childhood best friends. One of them ended when she gave me a choice of taking drugs or not hanging out with her. I chose the latter. The next friend was more me going along with her wanting to be friends. We didn’t have much in common.

Then I changed schools and boys came along. The end of childhood friends. Other friends came along later.

Did you have a best friend growing up? Are you still best friends? What do you share in common?


I had a really good mate in school.To relieve the boredom of it all we formed The Brecknock Chair Company.We would sneak into an empty class room pinch one chair write BrecknockChair Company in felt tip on the back and leave it in another class.We never got found out because we didn’t do it that often,everyone thought it was a laugh except for the staff.Which made it even better.Unfortunately his father had to move with his job and I never saw him again.

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Aww, sad ending, but great story.

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I had two best friends, one for “learning about” the girls and one for learning about life and getting a focus. I lost contact with both since I was locked away in the army for one and a half year and then moved to another town too far away for anyone without a car and practically no means of public transport nor enough time and money to pay for it. And also because my girl-friend demanded all my attention. :blush:

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My best friend and I met on our first day at primary school, aged 7, and we were inseparable throughout our childhood and teenage years.
Even though we were sent to different senior schools, and had different sets of friends at school, Kay and I remained best friends and saw each other most evenings after school and at weekends - we did everything together - when we started dating, we even ended up dating a pair of brothers for a while!

When I was 16, I had to leave home, so I moved a few hundred miles away for a better paid job in London. Kay stayed in our home town and our paths began to diverge. After a few years, I started to move around quite a lot in my career.
We still kept in touch by letter and I used to visit her whenever I visited my childhood home town but we had developed very different lifestyles, so the dynamics of our friendship gradually changed a bit.

I ended up returning to live not far from our old hometown, so it became easier to get together and every time we met, it felt like we’d never been apart. We have had more time to meet up for long chatty lunches, days out or overnight stays since our kids grew up and left home, especially now we have retired.

I’ve just sent her a Birthday Card this week - we’ll both be 67 this year and it gave me a slight shock to realise this year is our 60th year of friendship.

We are almost like sisters - we stayed at each other’s houses so often as we were growing up that we know each other’s families nearly as well as our own - the only other people left alive who have known me longer than Kay are my 2 surviving brothers and 2 sisters - and I think Kay probably really knows me better than any of them!


Not as a child,but i have 2 very good friends since 1983.

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I had a very good friend it school for may years. I then left for university then moved with my colleague where we did project engineering in various parts of the world. Some years later I tried to contact my old friend - it was easier then with electrons. Sadly, my old friend died just a few weeks before earlies. A sad lesson that I won’t repeat.

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Yes from the day I started school at 5 years old. We were in the same class throughout the years and we both left when we were 16, and started work, her as a typist and me as a till cashier. Never seen her since.

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Yes,his name was Tony, he was only my best mate because his family were the first in the street to have a tv, and I fancied his sister


Yes, I had a neighbor who became my best friend from playing marbles, hopscotch, Red Rover, swimming and later, dating…she was wonderful. We babysat for each other when we had children.
Sadly, she passed away quickly from cancer about 20 years ago. I still miss her.

Then, there is my male friend who also was a neighbor in elementary school. Same group of young friends. Games, softball, sledding in winter, dancing to record players during summer vacation…
he’s thought very fondly of me to this very day. We were out of touch for about 30 years or so, then contacted me for lunch one day when he was visiting his mother in my town, and we still Gchat and keep in touch. He has a family, wife, kids and grandkids. It’s a relationship I cherish, as he thinks the world of me. I feel the same…some friendships are meant to last a lifetime.

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My best friend Andy and his Brother Steve. We grew up together in the West end and played football in Regents Park, had midnight feasts together at each others flats when we stayed over.

We had season tickets for London Zoo and used to hang out there quite a lot and made some feeble attempts to chat up girls, sometimes we’d chuck chocolate raisins at boaters passing under the bridge on the Regents Canal by The Snowdon Aviary which wasn’t always well received.

We kind of drifted apart during our very late teens… happy memories! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


I had a best friend when growing up but we grew apart after we left school.

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