Did you ever receive school detention?

Its a old punishment dates back a long way … does it do any good?
Never had detention in my school days in Tasmania.
If one stuffed up, it was the Cane on the hands as punishment.
No “Lines”, no extra homework, etc.
I never knew how the girls were punished.


They didn’t do it in our school.Most people caught buses to get home.And they’d have no way of telling their parents they’d be late.There was plenty of corporal punishment though.


Was that the cane?

There was a lot of politics back then, good riddance!

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Teachers would administer the cane and prefects the dap.
Dap aka plimsoll. Neither on the hand :grinning:

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My schools all had detention and/or the cane. It is just the way it was then, I have been on the receiving end of both.


I would have been in BIG trouble had i got a detention.
I was told many times to respect teachers and adults alike.


I got the strap (or known as the leather belt) for wrong spelling - once.


Yes. It was the last couple of days of my last day in high school and we skipped graduation practice to go to the doughnut shop.

We were feeling elated and smug, when the principal and the vice principal drove up in their car. The nice ladies who worked there knew what was up, so they let us sneak unseen through the back door. We got away with it until one of our group told someone at school, and the story spread like wildfire. We all got detention.

The question still begs why the principals at the doughnut shop during school hours and wh didn’t they get in trouble?

As you can tell, I was a real problem kid :smile:.


No detention, but something far more effective. Deduction of house points in full knowledge that others in that house will take their revenge.


I don’t remember detention, but I do remember the cane plus the intimidation of having to stand outside the headmaster’s study for an hour in anticipation.


Yes, a couple of times at the age of eleven, on both occasions there wasn’t a teacher present in the classroom so we just buggered off home!
Questions were asked the following morning but what could they do? :wink:


That sounds a bit Tom Brown’s school days…


It was somewhat similar, but it has now radically changed from when I attended as it no longer takes boarders and also girls into the final 2yrs.


We had a choice, take detention or get paddled 3 time. Dad told me to take the licks because his punishment would be worse if he had to come to the school.

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No, we had the pleasure of getting the belt.

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No, I was one of the “goodie goodies” :innocent:
I remember a class detention once just because some girls were being too noisy, unfair for the rest of us.

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Oh yes on a regular basis, but I liked it because all of the cool boys would be there so I could hang out with them after :joy:


I did get the cane at primary school but I just ‘blanked’ it. I think the head was worried that I didn’t cry. I also got detention at secondary school for scratching my name on a new desk. I was put up to it by a friend - that’s my excuse!

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