Did Any Of You Read the Earth Children Series by Jean M Auel?

Read the Earth Children Series? by by Jean M Auel?
It’s set in the stone age and follows the life of Ayla who was adopted and raised by the Clan of the Cave Bear, a Neanderthal tribe, and after she was turned out by the new chief she met Jondalar and had lots of adventures with him on their travels.
They are a great read and I can heartily recommend them.

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Yes, I did. I resisted them for years and I completely fell in love with the first one, the others were okay lacked the magic of the first.

Yes loved those books first one was the best though as Silbee said.

Yes some were a lot better than the others, but you needed to read them to cover the full story. I also loved The Valley of the Horses and The Mammoth Hunters…

Yes,I read them (twice!) years ago,so I did enjoy them.

I read them all, but found the last one had too much detail in it & repeated detail so I stopped reading it, the first three were better. The Valley of Horses my favourite.

Read them myself. A damn good read at the time.

First book was ok, but the fact that everything she ever did or made was the best thing anyone she encountered had ever seen, and her constant surprise that this was so, really got on my nerves. The rest of the series just got worse and ever more repetitive.

I’ve read all of them except Land of the Painted Caves.
Must get round to doing that one day!
I also thought the first one was the best.
I just checked, and it was first published in 1980. Where did that time go!