Developer cleared of chopping down trees

Mr Sauro was originally found guilty of wilfully destroying the trees by a district judge, following a trial at Swansea Magistrates’ Court in 2019.

But addressing the appeal hearing on Friday, Judge Christopher John Vosper said: "We take the view that this was not, as the district judge judged it to be, a deliberate act, calculated to make a profit for the company.

“It seems to us that there was no financial advantage to Mr Sauro in having these trees cut down.”


@Psmith , HTF can can you cut 72 trees down by mistake ??!!
What was the penalty for getting rid of the red wood ??
Donkeyman! :worried::worried:

A fine of £180,000 for Mr Sauro and a further £120,000 for his company was reduced to a total of £100,000, with £32,500 in legal costs.

His barrister told the court the developer had “suffered greatly” due to a “highly publicised” trial and deeply regretted" what had happened.

The contractor Arwyn Morgan had pleaded guilty to breaching the preservation order and was initially fined £120,000. This has now been reduced to £6,000.

fine reduced from 120,000 to 6,000.What a joke!

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