Desperately seeking clarity

So, a few years ago, I joined my church group on a mission into North Africa. The countries up there are very conservative so I could only wear skirts or dresses as a Representative of the church.

Anyway, I was the only other lady in the group and being single, I got my own roof-top tent. (Who says being single doesn’t have its silver lining) so, being on my own, I took the time each day to put on very light make-up, appropriate jewellery and dress well even in the middle of deepest darkest Africa.

Now the other lady in the group wasn’t as particular about her appearance as I am. And that’s totally her choice and I was not impacting her in any way or so I thought.

Until one evening whilst we all sat around the fire she asked all the men (10 in total) what do you think of women wearing make-up?
An awkward silence descended upon the group…

So, OFF men here, what do think of women wearing make-up?
And not in your face or heavy make-up but the natural look.

To the OFF ladies reading this thread, has any women ever made you feel so small - if so, share your experiences?

Every woman I have ever been in a relationship with has worn makeup. So have all the women in my family. I have some Earthy forest loving/ living friends that live in the Gold Coast hinterland that we have visited from time to time. Some may call them “hippies”. They are totally self supporting and that includes solar electricity and tank water. So that’s not the label I would give them. The women among them never use makeup and none of them wear synthetic fibres. They are all beautiful in their own natural sun kissed healthy way and would look silly in makeup. But speaking as a man…I think that it’s women’s business. As long as they feel good…:slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing Keezoy. Funny you should say that since that’s exactly what the Elder who was in charge of our group said. If it makes a woman happy then what’s the harm :slight_smile:

It doesn’t bother me one way or the other. My ex used to trowel the slap on. V, on the other hand, has always been a “less is more” kind of gal.

If I was a man I think I’d find too much make up a real turn off, but nothing wrong with lipstick and mascara - depending on your age, and the lightest touch. Also I see lots of women with colours that don’t suit them at all. Biggest mistake seems to be that weird stripe of colour supposedly emphasising cheek bones but end up looking like they’ve been smacked round the face.

Your wife is in the right track - less is more

So true and those fake eyelashes and batwing eyeliner :shock:

Perhaps the question you should ask is “fellas what do you think of your missus without makeup?” :slight_smile:

Any woman who comments about another woman wearing make up is just plain jealous. What a horrible thing to do to another woman.

Haha. Yeah true, :lol: but I still wouldn’t say anything.

That’s smart Annie

I agree there Bratti. I had no friends at the time so I was disappointed.

Agreed, mum’s the word!

I sought beauty, and its confusing, the lack of “Make Up”

Makes no difference, the decades have not interfered.