Describe yourself

If you had to describe yourself using five words, it would be…

Clean shaven Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin.

Nice to make your acquaintance Rasputin

A womans dream guy

One word short there mate!

He could have added the apostrophe…woman’s etc…

He could have. Your turn!

Grumpy ancient acrimonious belligerent Scotsman.

Crazy green eyed Irish Witch.

Okay, let me take a stab at it on your behalf:
Adventurous, proud, big hearted Scotsman

I think you meant:
Interesting, independent green eyed beauty

Well, yes that too but I’m still a grumpy old barstard…:slight_smile:

I’ve learnt in life that it’s better to focus on the positive :smiley:

Yes, I agree.

c u t e .

Mind your own business! :lol:

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Gnarly, musical, friendly, family, kitchenjockey. (that’s two words - forgive me!)

Garbo, Peggy Mount, Ena Sharples.

Maybe more accurate to have someone else do the assessment so, according to herself:

Funny - Kind - Selfish - Tolerant - Worried.

I suppose I have to accept that’s what I am, rather than what I think I am.

Nicely done