Des Res needing some TLC

I came across this today on my walk and it really appealed to me .Something about it reminds me of the Wizard Of Oz film


Yes, it does, so much character, love it! :heartpulse:

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I’m not sure if quirky is the word 
 or just derelict.
Something tells me one good winter storm and it’ll be off down the road.

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I love this! A few more planks and a hanging basket or two, it would be great! Oh and a lick of paint
maybe mint green? Some stones to edge along a wee path
a couple of gnomes

wanders off drawing up plans

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Is that the owner I can see 

a cat’s bottom , far left, by the busted up deck chair.

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That’s a lovely photo, just don’t let the estate agents around here see it or it’ll be in Rightmove before you know it listed as “in need of some modernisation”.


It could do with a lick of paint :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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That’s lovely :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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there was a black and white Cat sitting there and Chickens running about.
and hanging on the front gate was this


Just up the lane from me is this one, it’s in a similar dilapidated state, ripe for redevelopment (demolishing and rebuilding that is):

However, just look at the view from there over open countryside, quite something!


Back in the 80’s there used to be loads of old abandoned farms and rickety outbuildings.
The developers get their hands on them now.
It makes you wonder where all the evicted bats and owls relocate to.

The law is on the wildlife side now. There are many regulations about all kinds of wildlife from rare reptiles such as newts through to bats. The council planning departments are very hard on the developers, building has been delayed until proper alternative ways of preserving wildlife are found and approved.

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Not before time too 
 there was a development near me that got seriously held up when it was discovered that bats lived in the nearby woodland.

Looks like it has Air Conditioning too! :grinning:

Die Of Laughter Smiley

Brilliant, I wonder how many more like these with such charactor are about , Id love to see some more .yours looks a bit more up market than mine , it looks like a chimney at the end wall .

I believe it was at one time a farm labourer’s dwelling, how many years’ ago I don’t know. I know the farmer who owns it and some time ago another person told me it was up for sale with some surrounding land at an asking price of £150,000. If I was 20 or 30 years’ younger I might be interested, it would be ideal for demolishing and building a property on the site, especially with that outlook over open countryside. There is a farm further along but even that wouldn’t be a problem living there. Unfortunately I cannot turn the years back so it’s no more than a ‘might have been’ dream. :roll_eyes: :grinning:

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Is that Gumbuds Gaff? :biking_man:

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I told you you could only sleep over if you didn’t mention it to anyone?

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Love the monkeys
I think they are both hear no evil. I wonder what happened to see no evil and speak no evil
maybe they saw too much and were gossips :slight_smile: :slight_smile: