Deborah James

I have never heard of Deborah James I think she was a news caster but what amazing courage in the face of adversity .
Now as she faces the end as we all must do one day but hopefully in not such harrowing circumstances she’s still only forty years old and has raised a huge amount over 700k for Cancer Research in just 24 hours .

She was a deputy headteacher and I am in awe of her! My late Mum got bowel cancer twice (two different strains) and lived with a stoma for over 25 years so I do know all about the surgery, the treatment and everything else involved in what is a very personal disease.

Deborah has really highlighted bowel cancer and I wish her all the best but it does look as though her fight is almost over. Very brave lady.

What an amazing brave lady . So very sad .
I dont know her but heard on the TV this morning

I was so sad to read about this lady in the newspaper this morning.
I read that she has raised £1000,000 in 24hrs for her Bowel Cancer Research Fund.

I don’t know of her either, but read her story today and the incredible amount of money she has raised. I feel so heart sorry for her family and friends, but also admire her bravery very much.

The money raised now stands at £2,000,000 .

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Now at £3,260,000
The power of her words has inspired people .

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She’s been made a Dame now.

Lets hope the money is put to good use.

Deborah James has been honoured with a Dame hood after she inspired the nation and raised more than £4 million for her cancer research fundraising initiative in less than a week

Well deserved bless her. :heart:


An amazingly brave lady who raised so much for Cancer Relief, she thoroughly deserved being honoured with a Dame hood.


Sadly this lady hasn’t long to live , just like my friend who has been told they can offer no further treatment .
I believe that we will beat cancer one day, thanks to people like Deborah James who help raise all the money that goes into cancer research. :+1:


Very sad indeed . The money raised hopefully will help many people .

I do think of her and her family. She is brave :heart_decoration:

Deborah receiving her Dame hood from Prince William.

Well deserved under the circumstances. :heart:

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An incredibly brave lady.

Definitely a photo to be cherished in the family album. :heart:

Very sad new that Deborah has passed away. RIP Brave lady.

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Poor brave woman .

It was sad to hear that Deborah had died, but what she did has given others a chance of survival.
You may be surprised to hear that many cancer sufferers want to help others & I know this from chatting to many patients on the Chemo ward when I was being treated.
If you catch it early there is a better chance of survival… so please encourage anybody you know to seek help, even if symptoms seem trivial.
A short time spent checking if you have cancer may prove to be a negative result, but if it doesn’t an early diagnosis can still save your life!

Very sad news. :two_hearts: