Titled ‘Beckham’, the NetFlix four-part series released on October 4 follows David Beckham’s rise to global football stardom and his marriage to Victoria Beckham. It covers the allegations that Beckham had a four-month affair with Rececca Loos in 2003, without mentioning Loos by name. Victoria Beckham describes the allegations as the “hardest period” of their marriage. Beckham said the news reports were “horrible” and left him “feeling sick every day”.
In response, Loos, now 46, told the Mail on Sunday that Beckham “needs to take responsibility”. “He can say whatever he likes of course and I understand he has an image to preserve, but he is portraying himself as the victim and he’s making me look like a liar, like I’ve made up these stories,” Loos, who lives in Norway as a yoga instructor and medical assistant, explained. “He is indirectly suggesting that I’m the one who has made Victoria suffer.”
Beckham and Loos had worked together after the midfielder signed for Real Madrid in July 2003 when Loos spoke to media outlets claiming the pair had an affair.
Beckham said at the time: "During the past few months I have become accustomed to reading more and more ludicrous stories about my private life. What appeared this morning is just one further example. “The simple truth is that I am very happily married. I have a wonderful wife and two very special kids. There is nothing any third party can do to change these facts.”
Loos told the Mail on Sunday: “It took me a long time to decide whether to speak about this today… if I remain silent I will be known as the liar, the one who made up the stories. I also have a family and I also have children and they also have Google and they can also watch documentaries. I want them to know that their mother was brave enough to stand up against them and to stand up for the truth.”
Another NetFlix alleged “documentary” which, seemingly, is a highly-edited “promo” for a famous married couple …
The success of “Harry & Meghan” seems to have encouraged an imitation genre on NetfFlix …