I’m sure you’ve seen the reports of David beckham in line to pay his respects to the late queen, he queued for twelve hours with ordinary folks, he was offered to jump the queue by an mp, but refused citing that his late grandad wouldn’t have approved, well credit to him, despite social media suggesting it was a publicity stunt, he seemed genuinely moved too as he stood at the coffin.
Certainly credit to him for waiting his turn in line. However, much dosh you have stashed away, or what profession you might hold or have held, isn’t and shouldn’t be any criterion for queue-jumping.
A friend of a friend is a civil servant in London. He was offered one of the 4 tickets that are issued to MPs to queue too. He turned it down and sure is up instead. Why are Mps given 4 guest tickets???
Isn’t it to do with, “ knowing one’s station”?
We’re just mere peasants aren’t we?
It is weird though, since we hire them and pay their wages.
He has shown other Celebs how to behave, a very nice man.
I saw him on TV, chatting to a Reporter while he was waiting in the queue but I had not heard about him refusing the offer to jump the queue.
Thumbs up to David Beckham for refusing the offer and taking his place in the queue with everyone else.
Thumbs down to the MP who mis-used his own “privileged” position to offer Mr Beckham the chance to jump the queue.
I just wonder if old Dave is trying to resurrect his bid for a knighthood, which became a disaster, when he had chucked a few expletives at the suits that turned him down. This “Man of the People” stunt will do him no harm!
It pays to advertise.
That same thought crossed my mind too, when I was watching him chatting to the Reporter - but I thought that was just me being mean and cynical!
Well, it’s all good publicity, isn’t it? And gets him back in the spotlight
And really, if he wasn’t doing it for publicity, the more discrete way would have been to take the MP up on the offer, in and out, and nobody noticing him or bothered
He’s got a really likeable public persona and I’d be OK with him being knighted now his tax issue is sorted, they’ve knighted worse
But that affability might be a false persona if the emails he sent when they didn’t knight him are genuine
Peeved, jealous, entitled teenager in tone?
So the poor fella is damned for doing right and damned for doing wrong.
Think I’m going to cut him some slack.
To be fair, what David Beckham said resonated with me - I thought what he said sounded genuine and it is the way lots of folk are thinking.
It sounds odd to say people “enjoyed” queuing up to file past a coffin but from what I’ve seen in the interviews of those queuing up, I get the impression that many people found pleasure in the “community spirit” of sharing and interacting with other folk in the queue.
He is tainted by Qatar now
A lot of them said they’d made queue friends and enjoyed it. I think people do yearn a bit for doing things communally and sharing experiences
Lockdown isolated us and I don’t think it ever got back to quite how it was before, what with working from home, online shopping etc
We live in an age of individualism and I think we’re lonely and yearn for and miss each other sometimes
Not me of course, I’m an INTP!
Maybe so they can bring spouse or family members and come as a family?
That’s the problem with being in the public eye, if you do something genuine then it’s viewed as seeking publicity or for your own ends, whilst this is true in some cases, I think if beckham wanted to do a publicity stunt, there are other ways he could do it…
David Beckham looks more like a Prince that the general run of Princes
…until he squeaks… whoops Sorry… speaks!
How those other people stand there for hours? Are there toilets? Is there food and drink? Do they sleep even?
They have to be admired for being in the second longest queue ever!!