Dangers of statins (and other similar pharmaceuticals)

Well worth a watch if it’s been suggested you take statins…

Another one:

My GP tried to get me onto statins around a decade ago and was unhappy that I refused.

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My doctor prescribed me statins but I refused them.

I am currently trying to lower my cholesterol by diet.


I have been taken Atorvastatin for years no real side effects other than farting, but I am old :grinning:


Simvastatin for more than 20 years and i’m still around to tell people.
Would I still be around had I not been prescribed them? who can tell?


My Dr also said I should go onto statins due to high cholesterol level. This is the simple answer Dr’s give " shove a pill down your throat and all will be ok" Not if i can help it rather try diet and exercise first


I’m on statins for cholesterol and blood pressure, it’s virtually stopped the headaches I used to get


We are all individuals and have the ability to decide what is best for us


Thanks Azz, the video explains things about statins that I didn’t know, but it explains in detail the reasons for the side effects that I did know about.
A victim of two heart attacks and prescribed statins back in 2004. I didn’t take them, and decided to do some research. I was surprised how many people had suffered debilitating side effects. I asked friends and family who were taking them and discovered that although some had experienced limited side effects, some had developed life changing effects, a decorator friend who was unable to climb ladders and had to give up his trade. Long distance walkers and runners who had since given up exercising due to muscle weakness and joint pain.
Some had experienced similar muscle weakness and joint pain but failed to link it to statins. Not being a doctor, It was not my place to suggest what I thought it could be.


I hope nobody takes this the wrong way but I have two real life examples of what appear to be serious reactions to statins.

  1. a colleague was diagnosed with Parkinson’s not long after commencing taking statins. I noticed he seemed less himself after he started taking the medication. The diagnosis was a few months later.
  2. a bff was diagnosed with cancer following a severe reaction to statins. Just to be clear that the cancer was definitely not caused by the statins. The diagnosis was made 3 weeks after commencing statins. This included severe ascites and abdominal distension. This was a rare cancer, but the friend had no symptoms and felt great until she took the meds. Perhaps the statins did her a favour? When she first went in the GP told her she had IBS :roll_eyes:

Both situations could be entirely coincidental but it has made me develop a prejudice against the medication. It’s impossible to scientifically link cause and effect because it’s so individual.


This video may also be of interest:

I think the important thing to keep in mind or ask yourself is, are you healthy? Do you live a healthy lifestyle? Are you eating a species-appropriate diet? (I.e what we’ve been designed to eat.) And are you avoiding things we weren’t designed to have to deal with (such as chemicals in water/food/atmosphere etc).

It’s a deep topic, but we covered some of it in other threads - like type of cookware, harmful perfumes and deodorants, fluoride in water/toothpaste, radiation from mobiles, formaldehyde in laminate flooring/worktops/carpets, mercury in fillings, etc. It may seem like a lot but it’s perfectly possible to minimise your exposure to most of these things… if you really want to.


Scented candles, talcum powder, air freshener, carpet vac freshener, all thought to be potentially carcinogenic if used inappropriately or in excess. I’m pretty sure some of the strongly scented laundry detergents are also carcinogenic given that my senses are irritated when people wear clothes washed in them and pass me in the street or visit the house. It may be that when they are put in a tumble dryer they become more potent.

However, it’s not just artificial chemicals that should be treated with caution. A friend found that drinking Pukka teas was making her blood pressure go up. Apparently it’s the licorice content. Do not eat allsorts if you are over 40 and have a heart condition or high BP.


Annie, l am exactly the same! Those strong artificial perfumes ‘kill me’. I start wheezing, my eyes and nose run.
I never use fabric conditioners as they are so overpowering.

I have started to use Fairy Platinum Plus dishwasher tablets and they are so strong, l have to keep them in another room and vacate the kitchen when the dishwasher is on.

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I have high cholesterol 6.1 but the doctor said, it is good cholesterol.
Statins have been prescribed to me over the years but l flatly refuse to take them. Besides, like the flu injection they are a nice money earner for GP surgeries.

A friend of mine who was a fine, upright man became almost crippled and blamed the statins. The muscles in his legs weakened and he ended up in a wheelchair.

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A lot depends on where you are in life.

I used to think that chemicals are wrong and dangerous.

Those chemicals now keep me alive, not for long, but well worth it.

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Hi Swimmy
As they do with myself and many thousands of people my friend. Many people also think that it’s all a huge conspiracy by Big Pharma. So ludicrous!


I’m one of the lucky 90 something % of people who suffer no statins side effects.

When first put on them 15 years ago, I took one/day for two weeks, went back to the GP to talk about any probs: none so I continued on them.

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Totally sympathise Art. I find ecover is the only product that doesn’t irritate me. They do dishwasher tablets & rinse aid as well as washing powder.

I wasn’t aware of that. Isn’t it just another prescribed medication? Our mum’s statins were prescribed by the cardiologist after a heart op. But the GP has agreed she can take them every couple of days to alleviate the muscle pains.

He just released a new video: