Dali's Car - You can't dance to that noise!

Oh yes two great bands Gracalus

couple from moi.



Nice choices Nom.

Just found this band. Camera. Sort of Neu meets Kraftwerk.

Nice find their, chuck in a bit of La Dusseldorf into the mix.

If you insist:-)

A couple from The Cure, who were very, very good when they began.

The delicious Siouxsie. From punk to English psych…


Good stuff. Glad to see another traveller. If this place is a party, this thread is the kitchen. But at least anything can happen here.



Stray. Think I may have seen this lot somewhere, or then again maybe not. I do remember they were a cool band to be into at the time, when it was cool to be into cool bands.

Another great gigging band, always seemed to be a support act.

Neil Young.

Could be argued that some of the '76 versions are better, maybe the ones from Japan or 22 November Boston Music Hall, but this is wonderful.

and more NY.

Not too sure about the visuals, but…


Stray are still going and Del Bronham is the frontman. A brilliant guitarist and very underrated.