Daffodils or Spring onions?

So Marks and Spencer’s were short of veggies and decided to make a Spring display in the gaps

So they put the daffodil buds next to the spring onions

Now daffodils are poisonous and people are saying it’s dangerous because someone might think they’re a vegetable an eat them

I didn’t think anyone would be daft enough but apparently Michelle Collins did during lockdown :scream:

She must be as thick as a brick or seriously short sighted .

IMO the average Mrs Punter IS as you described and would buy anything as labelled.

Just showed the picture to my son and he said “oh yeah, I think I would’ :rofl:

I blame the parents!


The saying “more money than sense” springs to mind.

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Yeah, but I imagine Michelle’s spring onions look lovely in a vase.


I’m curious why she thought it was daffodils. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: She clearly thought they were spring onions when she got them. There was no reason to think they were daffodils just because she got sick. Maybe it was spring onions with salmonella.

I wouldn’t think the stores put them next to each other all the time.

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Yeah, you’re right.

The more I think about it, the more I wonder if it was true or if she was just trying to get publicity from the Marks and Spencer’s story being in the headlines?

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