It’s funny how, when lyrics are rewritten they can seem totally unfamiliar. See how many you can get. These are all mostly songs which everyone should know. Hopefully.
Song 1
Can anyone identify the man in front of me?
He’s wearing dark clothes and indicating me.
Reverse course rapidly, beat a hasty retreat
But discover I’ve been selected.
Lord help my soul!
Song 2
Were I to depart from you is it possible I would remain in your memory?
For I have to make many journeys and there are so many sights I have to experience.
Should I remain here things would have to change
As I have a certain type of liberty I must express
And that is not something you can alter.
Song 3
As day broke I realised something was missing from the sky
Switched on the radio to begin my morning
Heard a tune I knew and got somewhat distracted by it
My eyelids descended and I wandered off.
Song 4
European arrived from beyond the ocean
With agony and sorrow in his wake
Destroyed our religion, claimed our territory for his use
We resisted, strongly and with some success
On the flat ground we pushed him back
But numbers told in the end
Will liberty ever be ours?
Song 5
Are there any occupants? Merely tilt your head in agreement if my voice reaches your ears
Is this place occupied?
Approach, my information is that you are depressed
I can lessen your aches, allow you to stand up again.
Take it easy, before anything I will require some data
Merely some generic details
Are you able to indicate where you have pain?