Cryptic Films

kim novak film

Middle of the night

Not that either Feey. On checking my facts I might have been better to call this:

One o’clock in the morning?

Not that either Feey.

On checking my facts I should maybe have said:

One o’clock in the morning?

Not sure why this has appeared twice…

Hour past midnight?

A British actor won best actor for this not too long ago…

After Midnight?

Darkest Hour

Correct Arena - over to you.

No , it isn’t him.

One while you Brits sleep. Easy peasy.

Plants running amok after dawn.

Day of the triffids?

This one got missed.


Hi there Arena :039:

Hi Cherie
No not Spartacus.Good guess.

Famous director’s film about a Jazz musician…

Bird? Film directed by Clint Eastwood about jazz saxophonist Charlie Parker.

No , this ones a murder mystery and the jazz musician is accused.

Very famous director
Very famous star
Very good film

Sorry, Newbie to this thread - can you re-post the original clue?:slight_smile:

‘No , it isn’t him’. That’s the clue Dex.

The star was Henry Fonda