Cryptic Films

OK, Thanks Dex. Next:

The East End friends in airport.

No devotees of Cockney rhyming slang?

Dutch plate = mate

Right idea Arena but wrong nationality…

The China Syndrome

Correct Devo :-D. A film that was panned for scaremongering until 12 days after its release we had the Three Mile Island incident. In the good old days when all we had to worry about were nuclear explosions…

Over to you.

The Dean

As that is very crosswordy, a couple of clues: 1950s film starring a Hollywood megastar and it scores over 90% on Rotten Tomatoes.

East of Eden?

Not that one and a bit older that that one too.

The star of the film died this year at a very advanced age.


Teachers pet


the brotherhood

The film did not do well in the cinema as it was unrelentingly cynical and the lead character was very unpleasant. Biut it did win some awards and it remains one of its star’s best performances.
The clue is a typical crossword clue without a wasted letter.

Ace in the hole?

Well done. Ace in the Hole starred Kirk Douglas, who died in February aged 103. He played a thoroughly unscrupulous journalist who would stop at nothing to try and win a Pulitzer Prize and regain what he saw as his rightful place in the news firmament.

Thanks Devo. Next one:

Practices snooker skill.

A sequel to this film appeared 21 years after the original.


A good answer Feey but this snooker skill is more basic…

Point break

The Breakfast Club