Passenger 57
Well done Amac.
Traveller = passenger
57 Heinz varieties
Not my genre but I guess you’d expect any film turned down by both Sylvester Stallone and Steven Seagal to fully merit its 24% on Rotten Tomatoes. Next to follow.
Next (A film I really enjoyed at the time):
The first of the fellows has a rogue laugh.
One of the male stars of this film had nine Oscar nominations for acting while the other only managed seven.
King Lear?
The nine nominations one of the actors had for the best actor Oscar included playing 2 kings and a prince. This film was his only nomination for best supporting actor. It wasn’t a popular film with dentists…
We crossed over PR - not that one.
Marathon Man?
You’ve got it PR - Ma[rat ho]n Man.
Over to you…
Thanks Amac. Next: The French sure of algol 58.
Another film I’ve not seen, though every seems to have liked it. Won 2 Oscars.
L.A. Confidential
Well done Devo. La Confident (IAL International Algebraic Language renamed algol 58)
Thanks, I saw the answer almost immediately for a change. Next clue:
Abel’s role in the field?
The Good Shepherd?
Not that one. This is a very famous and highly regarded film. And it is brilliant.
citizen kane
No but slightly warm.
Oh brother where art thou?