Cryptic Films

The film is Australian and I am finding it difficult to come up with any more clues so please get it!


Well done, that’s correct. A swashbuckling tale of 40s/50s Australian news gatherers.

Thanks Devo. Next: Let’s see what’s in here… Ouch!

The Hurt Locker

Correct Amac. Thought that wouldn’t last long!

Thanks PR. Next:

I’ve bent over backwards to settle in this French speaking city.

This is a classic British mid twentieth century comedy.


You’ve got it Devo :smiley:

Gen[evI]eve where Geneve is the French/Swiss name for Geneva. Over to you.

This shouldn’t prove too difficult…

Castrate vole?

The Taming of the Shrew?

I like it but no, sorry.


No, but you are thinking along the right lines.

Doctor in Love?


Doctor in Clover?

Getting cooler now.

Women in love??