You’ve got it again PR, Plato on. Over to you!
Thanks Amac. Next: It’s a give away. The hunter is confused.
A car features in this film.
The director also played a role in the film.
As did a son of the director. A film from this century.
And another son did the music!
Gran Torino?
Yes Amac - Gran t Orion mixed up
Yes Amac - Gran t Orion mixed up
Good clue PR. Took a long time because I hadn’t heard of the film and Google is not very helpful on directors’ sons…
Next to follow.
Peter pockets unwarranted return.
I thought this was a great film when I went to see it and the Oscar committee must have agreed. I’m very surprised by just how long ago that was…
This film won 3 of the 4 main Oscars and a few more…
You’ve got it PR.
Peter = Pan
Excessive = OTT; return OTT = tto Hence Pa[tto]n
Over to you…
Thanks Amac. One to add to my watchlist. Next: Chines follow Tesco’s say. It’s tedious. Leave out Edi!
Chinese not Chines!
This comedy was nominated for two of the lesser Oscars including best make-up, but won neither.
Coming to America
Well worked out Amac. Co(mpany)Ming tedious->to us. Over to you.